Step 3: Get Clarity

In his best selling book, High Performance Habits, the very first habit Brendon Burchard talks about that a High Performer should build is clarity. Sir Rushdhi Ismail taught the same in his course Best Version of You too. 

So, Get clarity on what exactly?

Get clarity on what it really means for you to become your best version. 

What is your best version? What does it look like?

There could be a zillion things that pop up in our minds.

A simple framework called WELL (courtesy: Best Version of You by Rushdhi Ismail) helps you simplify and streamline your thoughts. WELL stands for Worship, Energy, Love and Legacy. 

Take a moment to imagine how you would be in each of these areas if you were at your very best;

Worship: Who are you when you are spiritually at your best?  

Energy: Who are you when you are physically at your best?  

Love: How would you treat your loved ones, if you are emotionally at your best? 

Legacy: What sort of goals would you set to live a life that's larger than you if you are mentally at your best? 

The simple idea of the WELL framework is this: Instead of thinking about how to become your best version in everything, consider how you can live up to your fullest potential in the most significant four areas of your life, i.e. in worship, energy, love and legacy. 

The WELL framework is both holistic and comprehensive. It helps you to prioritise your life and propels you towards your best version, bi’idnillah! 

How does the WELL framework help?

Worship - Worship is the food for your soul. If your soul is not well nourished, your connection with your Lord will suffer, and that will drain the quality of your life in the Dunya as well as the Aakhira.  

Energy - Energy is the fundamental requirement your body needs to function and shine.

Eat, move and sleep well, and you’ll be able to excel in your worship, be less grumpy towards your loved ones and will have incredible energy to work on your legacy. 

Love - The Prophet (SAW) said: “The best of you is the one who is best to his family, and I’m the best to my family.”

Do you want to improve your character? Try to be the best to your family. 

Your family knows your weaknesses and shortcoming inside out, better than anyone in your life.

So it is easier to show up the best version of you to others and more challenging to do so with your family.

However, working towards that challenge will no doubt bring you unimaginable peace in your life, insha Allah. 

Legacy - Allah subuhanawuta’la created every one of us with a task. Even a tree has a purpose to fulfil.

What’s your purpose? How would you like to make a life alongside making a living? 

The WELL framework helps you to make the most out of your short life.

Remember, if you want the greatest success in the Eternal Aakhira, then you have to invest your life in this Dunya in the most meaningful way. 

So here’s your activity for this session:

In your journal, give the title ‘CLARITY’ and below jot down your goals in each of these areas, that is Worship, Energy, Love and Legacy. Against each mention WHY do you want to reach there. Knowing your WHYs makes the HOWs easier. Next, against each, from a scale of 0 to 10, 0 being no where and 10 being already there, 5 being half way through, rate yourself where do you stand in each right now. Taking stock  helps you get a clarity on how much you need to go and helps you create a clearer plan on how to get there from the present point. 

Do not be intimidated to write the very best possible version of you, you can imagine in the areas as your end goals. As long as we want it so badly and we are ready to work towards it even if little by little, Allah WILL help us. So remember, nothing is too big for Allah to give us.

All the best and see you in the next session InshaAllah 
