Rushdhi Ismail - Best Version of You

Your identity drives your behaviour!

Assalamu Alaikum

Most people act based on their current feelings.  

 “It’s time to pray, hmm… I feel like finishing what I am doing right now and will get back to prayer later on” or

 “Oh, it’s time to do my workout, hmm… but I don’t feel like going to the gym, let me skip it today.” 

 Psychologists call this Feelings → Behaviour → Identity model! 

 Many people behave/act, depending on the way they currently feel. They let their feelings dictate what they do. And that defines who they are. For example, they identify themselves as lazy, overweight etc.

 As you can recognize, this model is not efficient if you want to get things done and make progress in your life. 

 People who are genuinely committed and want to achieve ihsan, follow the model: Identity → Behaviour → Feelings.

 In this model, your identity drives your behaviour, and the behaviour drives your feelings.

 You have a clear sense of who you’re committed to being. That’s your “Identity.” THAT determines what you do. NOT how you feel.

 Maybe you’re committed to being an outstanding worshipper or a world-class athlete. Fantastic. ACT LIKE ONE. And establish your prayer/do your workout despite what you feel.

 You get things done, regardless of how you feel. The minute you begin to do what needs to be done, your feelings change too. Just simply getting yourself to take the VERY FIRST STEP creates the feelings you thought needed to be there to get you started. 

 Want to pray on time? Just go and take wudhu. Want to go to the gym? Put your workout attire. These first steps WILL create the feelings you need to continue doing what you need to do. 

 Amateurs act based on their feelings. Professionals act regardless of what and how they feel. 

 Today’s lesson is this: Take the first step to getting your most important thing done (Remember the 1-Minute Rule?). The feelings will follow. (Don’t wait for the feelings to come first :-) ) 

 And this is how you create one step at a time towards becoming the best version of you! 

 All praise belongs to Allah subuhanawuta’la, who enables us to come one step closer to Him.
